
楼主 |
发表于 2013-11-14 00:11
Why it's not a good idea to show counterfeit Vespas at Italy's EICMA
By Damon Lowney
Posted Nov 12th 2013 11:00AM
We wouldn't be surprised to see Chinese knockoffs of well-known car and motorcycle brands - in China. But a handful of Chinese scooter exhibitors at last week's 71st International Motorcycle Exhibition (EICMA) had their goods seized by the Italian financial police, according to a Piaggio Group press release, because they had brought imitation Vespa scooters to the show.
The Guardia di Finanza descended upon the show last Thursday, on opening day, and seized 11 Vespa copies from seven different Chinese exhibitors. Italian company Piaggio Group has exclusive rights to the iconic Vespa's shape. Yes, seven companies brought shameless copies of the iconic Italian scooter to an international motorcycle show held in Italy.
"The Piaggio Group considers the initiative of the Guardia di Finanza to be of great significance in the defense of industrial property rights," the manufacturer said in a statement. "As in every other country where Piaggio has taken specific action against counterfeits, the action of the Italian police is a further element for protection of companies that compete lawfully on world markets."