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发表于 2016-7-22 01:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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小问题,大事故~~ 这是这辆科尼赛克One:1被拉回原厂破解分析后得到的结论。

科尼赛克 Agera One 1  1.jpg

Koenigsegg blames front ABS sensor for One:1 Nurburgring crash

Koenigsegg has revealed that the crash of a One:1 at the Nurburgring on Monday was caused by a faulty front anti-lock braking sensor.

The crash occurred while the One:1 was taking part in an industry pool session, testing for a tilt at the outright Nordschleife record. It hit the barrier at Adenauer Forst, travelling at about 68 miles-per-hour, launched into the air and turned through 180 degrees. It landed 22 feet later on its right-rear wheel. Skid marks on the approach to the corner suggested the brakes had locked.

After the crash, the car was recovered back to the Koenigsegg factory in Angelholm, Sweden where it was stripped down and the cause found. According to Koenigsegg, the front-left ABS sensor failed on the approach to the corner, causing the front axle to lock-up at around 105 mph.

Analysis showed the ABS warning light was lit up, but Koenigsegg admits its small size and position in the center of the dashboard makes it difficult to see while wearing a helmet and focused on the road. The driver won't have noticed any difference in braking feel until he reached the point where the ABS would normally trigger and the axle locked.

Koenigsegg's engineers were able to replicate the fault in a similar car, producing results consistent with the Nurburgring incident.

The One:1's other safety systems - airbags, fuel cut-off, and so on - functioned as they should in the crash. A small fire broke out as carbon fiber touched the hot exhaust, but the driver was quickly able to extinguish the flames. He was taken to hospital for checks, as per procedure, but was released later the same day.

Though the car's body panels and subframes were severely damaged in the crash, there were no fluid leaks and the carbon chassis tub, doors, and roof remained fully intact. The tub and running gear will form the basis of a rebuild.

Koenigsegg also added that its Active Systems Warning will be updated to include ABS faults. At present, ASW only activates when a problem with the active aerodynamics and suspension systems is detected, restricting the car to 60 mph until the fault is fixed. A software update will be rolled out across all cars that need it in due course.

Despite the crash, Koenigsegg said it remains committed to its testing program at the Nurburgring, but has not set out a timetable for when it will resume. Presumably, it depends how long it takes to rebuild the car.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-22 02:03 | 显示全部楼层
都是纽北刷圈惹的祸:柯尼塞格Koenigsegg One:1 失控撞毁
(出处: 中国速道性能车改装车网)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-22 14:08 | 显示全部楼层
本周一在纽堡林北侧赛道 Adenauer Forst 路段失事飞出赛道的科尼赛克 Agera One:1,车厂公布了意外调查报告 —— 经过比对行车记录仪数据,此次意外是由于前轮 ABS 传感器发生故障,前轮在制动时锁死并导致失控。

失控前 One:1 在直路的车速为170km/h,车辆撞向赛道左侧防护栏时的速度为110km/h,四轮离地飞越了22米距离,凌空时车身还转向180度,最后车尾首先触地并引发自燃。车辆落地停定后,测试车手自行用车上的灭火器扑灭车尾的小火。

科尼赛克 Agera One 1  2.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-22 14:09 | 显示全部楼层
在赛道上,尤其像纽北这类高低落差大 、路面颠簸的赛道,ABS 传感器发生故障并不是个别例子。为了不让价值100美元的传感器发生故障毁掉百万豪车的情况,在车辆销售后发生,这类测试是大型车厂长期进行的常规测试项目之一。

失事的这台 Koenigsegg Agera One:1 底盘编号#107,是最后一台交付车主的 One:1,由于车主与车厂老板关系密切,因此借出自己的爱驹让车厂进行圈速测试。本次意外对 One:1 的车体造成较大损伤,事故后车辆已第一时间运回原厂进行修复工程。
科尼赛克 Agera One 1  3.jpg
发表于 2016-7-22 16:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-7-23 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
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