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发表于 2016-3-11 15:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Kids sitting in rear seats are vulnerable in certain car crashes

By: Pete Bigelow

One of the nation's top automotive safety watchdogs is calling on federal regulators to adopt new measures that better protect children during car crashes.

The Center for Auto Safety says regulators should issue updated guidance to parents and caregivers on the safest possible places for children to sit in the rear row. Citing a half-century's worth of studies, the organization says the safest place for children to sit is behind an unoccupied seat.

In a petition field Wednesday, the organization asks the government to relay that advisory to parents and caregivers. Federal authorities currently "encourage parents to place their children in the rear seats of passenger cars without providing parents any recommendation on where in the rear seat the child should be placed," Clarence Ditlow, executive director of CAS, wrote. "While the rear seat is the safest location for a child, it is safer still if the child is placed behind an unoccupied front seat or behind the lightest front-seat occupant."

The reasons for that guidance are grim. Studies and real-life evidence have shown the seatbacks of front-seat occupants are prone to collapsing during rear-impact crashes. Above 30 miles per hour, those seatbacks are capable of crushing children who occupy the rear row.

"In all too many cases, the parents are in the front seat with the heavier father driving so that the lighter mother can watch and tend to the child." – Clarence Ditlow

Research conducted on behalf of the Center for Auto Safety found nearly 900 instances between 1990 and 2014 in which children seated behind front-seat occupants died in rear-impact crashes. The direct correlation between seatback collapse and those deaths is unknown, but Ditlow argues that's because the government's Fatality Analysis Reporting System doesn't provide enough information to track the problem. In a separate petition, the Center for Auto Safety has asked the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to investigate those deaths.

Since 1991, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has recommended parents place children in rear seats because they faced severe dangers from inflating airbags in front seats. But moving them to the rear seats has brought the "unintended consequence" of facing another kind of hazard.

The Center for Auto Safety has unearthed 22 lawsuits involving children killed or seriously injured in the rear seats of cars where an occupied front seat collapsed into a child in rear seats. "In all too many cases, the parents are in the front seat with the heavier father driving so that the lighter mother can watch and tend to the child," the letter said.

As far back as 1967, the Society of Automotive Engineers issued a report that noted poorly designed seats could become an injury-producing projectile during a crash. In 1974, NHTSA proposed a new federal motor-vehicle safety standard that would specify crash parameters and crash performance for front seats.

In 1989, a researcher petitioned NHTSA to upgrade the standard to specify that a seat must withstand both 20 times the weight of the seat-back and 20 times the weight of the occupant. Ditlow says the agency has yet to act on that petition. The same year, a report issued by Canada's transportation department warned of the dangers of accidents involving seat-back failures.

Ditlow cites dozens of studies, reports of fatalities, internal automaker memorandums and federal documents that detail concerns with the possibilities of injuries or deaths associated with seatback collapse. "Until cars on the American highway are equipped with adequately strong front seats and seatbacks, children in rear seats behind occupied front seats will continue to be in danger of death or severe injury from front seatback failures in rear-end impacts," he wrote.
Kids sitting .jpg
发表于 2016-3-12 00:54 | 显示全部楼层




在请愿书场周三,该组织要求政府的咨询传达给家长和护理人员。联邦当局目前“鼓励家长把自己的孩子在乘用车的后排座椅无需提供父母凡在后座的孩子应该放在任何建议,”克拉伦斯Ditlow,CAS的执行董事,写道。 “虽然后排座椅是儿童最安全的位置,这是更安全还是如果孩子被放在后面未占用的前排座椅还是最轻的前座乘员的后面。”


“以太多的情况下,父母与较重的父亲驱动使得打火机母亲可以观看并趋向于儿童的前座。” - 克拉伦斯Ditlow



在汽车安全中心曾出土22诉讼涉及汽车,其中一个被占领前排座椅瘫倒在后排座椅儿童的后排座椅死亡或严重受伤的儿童。 “在太多的情况下,父母与较重的父亲开车,这样较轻的母亲可以观看,而且往往对孩子的前排座位,”信中说。

早在1967年,美国汽车工程师学会颁发的注意设计不良的席位可能会成为一个碰撞过程中产生的伤害,弹丸的报告。 1974年,国家公路交通安全管理局提议将规定碰撞参数和前排座椅碰撞性能的新的联邦机动车辆安全标准。

在1989年,研究人员上书NHTSA升级标准来指定一个座位必须承受座椅靠背的两个20倍的重量和乘客的20倍的重量。 Ditlow说,该机构尚未采取行动的请愿书。同年,由加拿大运输部发布的一份报告警告说,涉及座椅靠背故障事故的危险。

Ditlow援引几十个研究中,死亡的报道,内部备忘录的汽车制造商和联邦文档与椅背崩溃相关的伤害或死亡的可能性细节的关注。 “直到美国高速公路上的汽车都配备了足够强大的前排座椅和椅背,孩子们在被占领的前排座椅后面的后排座椅将继续从追尾的影响前座椅靠背的失败死亡或严重伤害的危险,”他写道。


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改装 发表于 2016-3-12 21:23

借助翻译软件~·基本上就是一会吧~· 不过问题提出来了~·大家琢磨~!
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