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我部307开左成3年了...最近抽起条筋想升级下部车....其实系睇到《《《果边dear好好嘅一句话"1.6好..1.6可以加Turbo." 先觉得架307系可以慢慢改..好有潜力嘅*(以前一直后悔买1.6..当年贵啊2.0....觉得1.6改黎都嘥气....)
而307 1.6AT却同大部分劲改嘅2.6用同样嘅engine...如果系咁....理论上黎讲...307 1.6AT系可以用206嘅 进气箱....
K&N 69 ? 这个好似系fit位的...咁就唔系好岩307用了..而且..好贵....
之后就睇左K&N Apollo哩款..价钱大约在1500左右(病毒1)....睇到apollo..开始怀疑会唔会系大陆生产嘅山寨贴牌....又上去K&N主页寻找....确实找到apollo....是universal通用进气......发现有三个型号.....不知道病毒1卖的说专门给307用的是哪个型号....然后又看到美国价格是127美元....想到我在深圳....香港那么近.应该可以买得到...就发信给K&N..很负责...隔天就收到了回复...找到了香港的代理商....然后给代理商打了个电话.....然后他们说Apollo没有307 1.6AT的型号...但推荐了另外一款....part-number是57-0660 的K&N......
57-0660 Product Specifications
Product Style: 57i Series International Kits
Type: Gen I
CARB Exempt: No
Weight: 5.3 lb (2.4 kg)
Product Box Length: 15.13 in (384 mm)
Product Box Width: 9.13 in (232 mm)
Product Box Height: 9.25 in (235 mm)
到底有没有适合307 1.6AT用的K&N apollo universal 进气箱呢? 这不是写着universal..通用吗?
另外附上 K&N apollo universal 的介绍....顺便小翻译一下...
The K&N Apollo CIS (Closed Intake System) is a universal air intake system incorporating a washable/reusable K&N High-Flow Air Filter. The Apollo’s specially designed shape increases volumetric efficiency and provides the benefits of an open cone filter and standard air box in one unit. Heat build up is reduced which keeps the intake charge cool. Smooth internal features minimize air turbulence and maximize air flow.
The Apollo's outer shell is made of a durable lightweight material that helps keep incoming air cool as it enters the engine chamber. K&N's Apollo system includes a cold air hose with a specially designed radius end cap so cooler outside air can be directed into the engine. The Apollo has a 70mm base flange. It is supplied with a pack of vent adaptors to incorporate most engine breathers and temperature sensors from the original air box assembly back into the Apollo. Included vent sizes are ¼” outside diameter, 3/8” outside diameter, ½” outside diameter, 5/8” outside diameter and a blanking plug if a vent adaptor is not required.
Apollo Universal Air Intake System
Apollo Universal Air Intake System
Additional accessories include a range of stepped adaptors: 70mm – 70mm (part 85-6002), 70mm - 60mm (part 85-6003), and 70mm - 80mm (part 85-6001). A saddle bracket kit (part 85-6004) for easy mounting to your vehicle is also available.
The Apollo is ideal for normally aspired engines up to 250BHP and turbo engines up to 350BHP. It allows for updating your intake system while retaining a closed environment.
The K&N Apollo CIS contains a general multi-lingual installation sheet with pictures. The Apollo is backed by K&N's Million Mile Warranty.
重点就是...这个apollo有三个型号 70mm – 70mm (part 85-6002) 70mm - 60mm (part 85-6003), and 70mm - 80mm (part 85-6001) 三个区别是那条管的头的口径不一样.....
[ 本帖最后由 bangbang 于 2008-11-20 15:56 编辑 ] |