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PSA集团 - 现在是欧洲第二大汽车制造商 - 说在鲁塞尔斯海姆开发的发动机在效率方面与雪铁龙和标致的不符。因此,欧宝和沃克斯豪尔最终可能会转而使用PSA引擎,并可能直接影响数千名员工。
不仅将使用PSA动力的欧宝,而且这些车将使用和双人字形徽章的车型相同的平台。这不是八卦,因为PSA发展总监吉尔斯·勒博格(Gilles Le Borgne)本周在接受Automobilwoche的采访时宣布:“我们将逐渐开始使用PSA平台和发动机为欧宝车型全系阵容。当然这不会是在一夜之间。这将需要几年时间。“
PSA Could Phase Out Opel Engines, 3K German Jobs At Risk
Opel platforms will also be gradually retired.
After reaching the conclusion that PSA’s factories are more productive than Opel’s, the French group – now Europe’s second-largest automaker – says the engines developed in Rüsselsheim are not on a par with the ones from Citroën and Peugeot when it comes to efficiency. For this reason, Opels and Vauxhalls might eventually switch to PSA engines and that could have a direct impact on thousands of employees.
Not only will there be PSA-powered Opels, but these cars are going to ride on the same platforms as the models carrying the lion and double chevron badges. This is more than just gossip as the announcement was made this week by PSA development chief, Gilles Le Borgne, in an interview with Automobilwoche:
“We will gradually start using PSA platforms and engines for the Opel model lineup. This won't happen overnight. It will take a few years.”
When asked about whether Opel engines will be phased out, Le Borgne said that nothing has been decided. He went on to specify these will only live on if “substantial increases in efficiency in all areas” will be made, adding Opel could take advantage of PSA’s expertise in engine development. In the long run, existing engines developed by Opel will be axed as PSA wants to avoid having to pay Opel’s former owner, General Motors, for rights and patents:
“We want to dispense with any payments for licensing fees as quickly as possible.”
It remains to be seen what will happen to the development and test center in Rüsselsheim where 800 employees have been working since the center was opened about a year ago following an investment of |