Top Gear 的末日终结?
Jeremy Clarkson可能退出BBC,即使打架丑闻不会有进一步的影响如果Jeremy Clarkson确实离开BBC,这可能是Top Gear 的末日,因为没有他,理查德·哈蒙德和詹姆斯五月份可能也会离开这个节目。说到Top Gear,似乎22系列的其余两集就不会播出了。所有这三个主持人与BBC Top Gear的当前合同下个月将告一段落。
最后一点,昨天国外网站写了一篇关于“Bring Back Clarkson”请愿书上线,当天它几乎就有160000支持者,但现在人数已经上升到近70万。 gochinway18;) R.I.P.
他会在别处重生。挺好的。 Jeremy Clarkson 停职事件继续发酵:@英国首相 卡梅伦为好友发声,称 Clarkson 是天才。海外网友在脸书、推特等平台发起 #BringBackClarkson# 运动,到目前为止已经超过百万人联署要求 BBC 让其复职 …… 被他揍的那位是助理制片 Oisin Tymon。 'Top Gear' host Jeremy Clarkson allegedly punched a producer because he was served cold cheese instead of a steak.
事情貌似就是这样的了。一个制作人,上菜上错了,点了牛排,上了奶酪。 据传。
好吧是一个之前在Top Gear工作的小哥一个小时前在福布斯的网站上写的,具体可以看:
2,Top Gear节目组是个大家庭,各种温暖,各种有爱。最有爱的之一就是这次被锤的小哥。
6,对BBC来说,Top Gear是一个商业生态系统,拉拉杂杂随便值5个亿人民币。JC走,所有人都失业。
7,估计,JC是腻了。毕竟Top Gear太长了。因为再过几个星期又要签新合同了,这样大家又要被绑住3年。所以,在这个节骨眼上,找个借口就退了。搞不好想去Sky试试呢。 商业内刊:
"Top Gear" host Jeremy Clarkson, who has been suspended from the BBC for allegedly punching a producer, will be summoned to a hotel in London in the next few days to explain his side of the story, the Daily Mail reports.
According to the Mail, the BBC has set up a disciplinary panel to discuss the Clarkson case. Oisin Tymon, the producer who was supposedly hit, could also be asked to give his version of the story.
Clarkson apparently took his anger out on Tymon after the TV host was served a cold platter of meat and cheese for dinner, instead of a sirloin steak, following a long day of filming last weekend in Yorkshire Dales.
Radio Times reports that the panel will be chaired by Ken McQuarrie, the current Director of BBC Scotland. In 2009, McQuarrie lead the investigation of another popular BBC programme, Newsnight, which falsely linked a Tory peer to a child abuse scandal in North Wales. Alongside McQuarrie will be Orla Tierney, a barrister who works in the BBC HR department.
According to the Mail, Clarkson will receive a summoning letter today and the investigation will proceed quickly, with the hearings set for tomorrow or Saturday.
Clarkson has been somewhat unapologetic about the scandal, threatening to quit the BBC even if the broadcaster does not proceed with any disciplinary measure, Radio Times reports.
After joking about the scandal on Twitter, Clarkson changed his Twitter bio to say "probbaly (sic) a presenter on the BBC2 motoring show, Top Gear."
According to the Mail, when approached yesterday at a football match about the possibility of being sacked, Clarkson responded "Well, it is coming, isn't it?"
Clarkson's relationship with senior executives at the BBC was strained even before the latest scandal and he was was on a "final warning."The Daily Mail reports that BBC director of TV, Danny Cohen, has wanted to fire Clarkson for a long time, but never proceeded because of Clarkson's popularity.
Clarkson is currently the highest paid presenter at the BBC and it is broadcast to 214 foreign territories. Revenues from the programme are supposed to bring £150 million to the commercial arm of the BBC, according to the Telegraph.
要读原文,戳Read more: gochinway04;)着急什么,这只大猩猩又不是第一次被禁,最后还不是活得好好的。TG不会死,大猩猩依然如约,不信走着瞧,BBC不会二逼到把一个这么赚钱的节目给咔嚓掉的。 本帖最后由 GTFrank 于 2015-3-12 21:27 编辑
As a thought experiment, try to imagine what a left-wing Top Gear would look like without summoning up dreadful images of too-clever-by-half types in hemp cardigans lecturing people on the benefits of eco-cars. The nearest thing the left has to a Clarkson figure is probably the comedian Russell Brand who, revealingly, becomes less funny the more he talks about politics.
According to The Guardian's Zoe Williams, Jeremy Clarkson is on the "wrong side of history". And so he is – but unfortunately lots of people quite like being on the wrong side of history; or at least they like living at a tilt to those who would water down their beer and ban the car. Not everyone wants to be conscripted into somebody else’s version of progress, however much it might have going for it.
The sooner we on the left recognises this, the closer we will surely be to ridding our television – and our politics - of crass buffoons猩猩 like Jeremy Clarkson, before they do some real damage. GTFrank 发表于 2015-3-12 21:22
总的观点是千万不要让JC从政,你们这些无脑观众,电视里面一个猩猩跳你们就想造反,如果JC放出 ...