汽车全明星 2016 Automobile All-Stars
2016 Automobile All-StarsWe don't do boring. Yes, we’re impressed that the Acme BlahMiser Brougham sold 600,000 units last year, but if it doesn’t make our cerebellum sizzle when we drive it, if it doesn’t channel our passion for mechanical splendor, if it doesn’t make us a bit teary-eyed when we switch off the ignition, it’ll never be an Automobile All-Star. http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTUxMDM0Nzg2MA==/v.swf 一楼看不懂,二楼看不到。。。只能路过了。。。 北三路能猫儿 发表于 2016-3-25 13:57
gochinway06;) 回帖那么欢~~短消息咋不回复我呢? fissa 发表于 2016-3-25 14:00
回了,刚刚才看到。。。消息和帖子回复,不在一个栏里,才搞懂,抱歉~ 北三路能猫儿 发表于 2016-3-25 14:03
gochinway04;) 估计是了~·4天发了几条哦~·gochinway24;)