就是要开着加尼 Pagani Huayra去买菜~·gochinway04;) 原视频说明:Yesterday I had the incredible opportunity to go for a ride in not only my first but a very special Pagani Huayra thanks to the very generous owner! This is the Pagani Huayra "Gemini Uno" which made its debut at the Geneva Motor Show in 2015. The weather in Connecticut over the past few days has been all over the place and it ended up raining which cleared the roads from the sand for the snow. This was great because yesterday it made it all the way up to 60 degrees so even though it's the middle of winter there were a lot of exotic and hypercars out driving around and being enjoyed.隐藏 http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTQ3ODQ5ODI0NA==/v.swf F大,绝对是开出了装逼的,我要有帕加尼,有厨子买菜,还要自己动手吗 zx712 发表于 2016-2-22 16:06
这Big可真不用装~··gochinway04;) 买买菜~·偶尔,也是乐趣嘛~· 感觉是软广告gochinway03;) 自从看了台湾那位超级富豪吐槽这些豪车的帖子之后就觉得这些车买菜用好痛苦 鲜虾鱼板面 发表于 2016-2-23 09:54
相比之下~·就空间而言~·206简直就是豪车啦~·{:4_658:} 所以大家知足吧~·