381马力改款奔驰-AMG A45
赛道测试381马力改款Mercedes-AMG A45 4MATIC加演奔驰Mercedes-AMG A 45 宣传片{:4_658:}
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTQ3MjkzMTExNg==/v.swf Following a comprehensive upgrade, the Mercedes-AMG A 45 4MATIC opens up a new dimension in vehicle dynamics. With peak output of 280 kW (381 hp) and a maximum torque of 475 Nm, the entry-level model from Mercedes-AMG is the world’s most powerful compact performance car.
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTQ3MjkzMjA1Mg==/v.swf 2.0T量产的巅峰之作! answer520 发表于 2016-2-16 15:42
这么说想起了一个词,叫压榨~··gochinway04;) 呛打了鸡血滴!