国外拉力精选:13° Rally Legend 2015 精彩镜头
欧洲 13° Rally Legend 2015 精彩镜头I take part to the 13th Rally Legend event in the Republic of San Marino. Just like every year, this important rally gathers some of the most iconic rally cars (such as Group B ones!) and enthusiasts from all around Europe! Weather wasn't good but it was ideal to film some proper rally action from a hairpin! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM1NzczNjkwOA==.html 对嘛,这才叫206嘛 gochinway14;)306好帅 unionncwd 发表于 2015-10-12 23:59
必须的撒~·· 一台两门赛纳,经典