英国神车车主银石赛道抢先测试P1 v LaFerrari v 918
TopGear没干成的事情,神车车主自己搞掂~··{:4_677:} 这是土豪啊!!~~~·· 英国三大神车车主Paul Bailey银石赛道测试自己购买的三辆车,p1选装了目前市面上最强的半热熔胎倍耐力 Trofeo R, 918为Weissaich Package版本, LaF由于后胎太宽345,无法选装Trofeo R.1.迈凯轮P1 58秒25
2.保时捷918 58秒48
3.法拉利laferrari 58秒58
银石赛道测试P1 v LaFerrari v 918
The first of three parts of our independent test of the LaFerrari v P1 v 918 Spyder owned by Paul Bailey, filmed at Silverstone National circuit back to back on the same day. All cars had been serviced a week prior and had a full tank of fuel. Vbox Motorsport fitted RaceLogic timing gear to each car and BTCC driver Mat Jackson was behind the wheel. Next stop.... Santa Pod for Part 2/3. Thanks to Paul Bailey for making it happen!
NB. The P1 was on Pirelli Trofeo R tyres not P-Zero Corsa's as per video credits.
We will also launch a second video from the track element featuring additional telemetry and analysis for those wanting more! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM1NjIxOTE5Ng==.html (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……Chris Harris On Car也来凑热闹,他们的三大神车评测 P1 v LaFerrari v 918预告视频也已经出来了~·
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM1NjIxNTgzMg==.html 法拉利公司要郁闷了…… BlackGold 发表于 2015-10-10 21:43