本田10代思域Honda Civic发布
2016本田思域Honda Civic发布The 9th generation Civic never really seemed to get it right.
Class average rather than a class leader, the 2012-2015 seemed to have lost some of that Mojo Honda compacts are world famous for.
Well, for 2016 it appears that the Civic is back. Rebuilt from the ground up the new 10th generation Civic is nothing like last year’s model. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMzNzc2OTc5Mg==.html 确实比现款漂亮! 丑的要出翔了 丑的不行不行的 已经没有日式快刀的感觉了 越来越像只羊了。。。gochinway51;) 越来越丑,轴距越来越长,没有可玩性了。还是八代的FA1、FD1、FD2耐看 其实我感觉中国的用车理念影响着世界汽车发展,都特意迎合中国中老年人的审美观,车体变得越来越大,越来越长、越来越高。本身八代的轴距2700已经太长了,还是以前的EK最好。 kimchi 发表于 2015-9-18 12:10
其实我感觉中国的用车理念影响着世界汽车发展,都特意迎合中国中老年人的审美观,车体变得越来越大,越来越 ...