fissa 发表于 2015-6-18 01:08

看看什么叫好车:柯尼塞格 Koenigsegg One:1 创立 0-300-0 km/h 世界纪录

gochinway34;) Koenigsegg One:1 sets new 0-300-0 km/h world record~·感觉毫不费力一样·~

The mighty Koenigsegg One:1 has managed to break the world record for a 0-300-0 km/h (0-186-0 mph) run.

Driven by the factory driver Robert Serwanski, the mega car was tested at the Koenigsegg test track in Angelholm, Sweden. The VBOX recorder data shows the car is able to accelerate from a standstill to 300 km/h in 11.922 seconds and then stop to 0 km/h for 6.03 seconds. That makes the overall run taking 17.95 seconds.

What’s even more impressive is that Serwanski is performing the test run without even holding the steering wheel when accelerating and braking. The producer explains the One:1 used in this video is in fact 50 kg (110 lbs) heavier than the production version of the model and that the record is still unofficial.

The previous 0-300-0 km/h record was set by the Koenigsegg Agera R in 2011. The supercar registered 21.19 seconds.

fissa 发表于 2015-6-18 01:10

K19核潜水艇 发表于 2015-6-18 01:19


lixi8151 发表于 2015-6-18 09:51

估计好不真实啊   太屌了不敢相信

snakehu 发表于 2015-6-18 10:06


maxfree_gz 发表于 2015-6-18 13:08


fissa 发表于 2015-6-18 15:54

lixi8151 发表于 2015-6-18 09:51
估计好不真实啊   太屌了不敢相信


ricky飞人 发表于 2015-6-19 00:14


fissa 发表于 2015-6-23 15:40

ricky飞人 发表于 2015-6-19 00:14


fissa 发表于 2015-6-23 15:42

snakehu 发表于 2015-6-18 10:06

2011年9月,Koenigsegg Agera R 在德国《Sport Auto》进行的0-300km/h-0加速制动测试中,创下21.19秒的惊人记录,该时间记录在随后几年也没有其他量产车型可以打破。直至2015年6月8日,Koenigsegg Agera One:1 以17.95秒的时间刷新这一纪录,新记录时间比旧记录快了足足三秒多!Koenigsegg One:1 的动力部分将采用经重新调校的 5.0L V8 双涡轮增压引擎,最大马力输出达到1,360ps ,扭矩峰值1,000Nm@3,000~7,500rpm (引擎设计扭矩峰值1,370Nm) ;七前速双离合波箱,MR驱动布局;0-100km/h加速少於2.9秒,0-200km/h加速少於7秒,0-300km/h加速少於12秒,0-400km/h加速20秒,极速可达450km/h以上!
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