视频: FF 6 Battle of the Hondas!|Chinway速道网
Tuner Battle Week 2014 Ep. 1For the 6th year in a row, Super Street Magazine invited some of the fastest Front Engine Front Wheel driven cars in the west to compete in our FF Battle. FF Battle is a two day competition that takes place at Streets of Willow for a track day and at Raceline USA for a Dyno day. The combined score from the Dyno numbers and the track times yielded a winner. Find out who wins in a field stacked with K20 Turbos, Super Charged Type-R’s, B18 Swaps and plenty of VTEC roar! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODU5NzY4ODgw.html {:4_666:}f大的这种视频都会仔细看过 {:4_670:} 狗看星星一片明! 柜仔 发表于 2014-12-30 16:03