时速113 km/h,马自达RX-8湿地直线失控
不算快啊,看路面也没有什么异样啦,现在就是不知道轮胎的型号、···Mazda RX-8 crashes after aquaplaning at 70 mph
The driver of a Mazda RX-8 managed to escape unhurt after aquaplaning led to a serious crash.
Driving a Mazda RX-8 at 70 mph (113 km/h) on a wet road is like asking for trouble so it shouldn't come as a surprise the 38-year old behind the wheel of the car from where the footage was recorded was involved in a serious crash. It happened last month while he was driving to Canterbury, UK and at one moment he hit a patch of standing water and started aquaplaning.
From that point forward, he lost control of the rotary-powered sportscar and eventually hit an embankment. Due to the force of the impact, the car is a total loss and according to the report issued by the insurance company: "there wasn't a panel left on the car intact."
The good news is the driver escaped the crash unscathed and hopefully he learned his lesson and next time he will drive slower whenever on a wet and slippery road. gochinway04;)OH......shit!A.A.A...O!
当时的雨势蛮大的,视频感觉不出来是这车车窗涂了疏水剂,肯定踩积水潭滑水了,这种情况我碰到过几次,可惜撞的不是我!gochinway04;) http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODM5NzU2MDgw.html 这速度绝对不止113 K19核潜水艇 发表于 2014-12-3 03:14
当时的雨势蛮大的,视频感觉不出来是这车车窗涂了疏水剂,肯定 ...
估计这部车轮胎选择有问题或者过度磨损了 K19核潜水艇 发表于 2014-12-3 03:14
当时的雨势蛮大的,视频感觉不出来是这车车窗涂了疏水剂,肯定 ...
忘了这茬~~·积水确实很容易失控的··~gochinway06;) arion 发表于 2014-12-3 07:27
我的第一感觉也是绝对不止110. {:4_655:} 本帖最后由 K19核潜水艇 于 2014-12-3 23:13 编辑
老衰 发表于 2014-12-3 11:04
以前我用邓禄普DZ101就出现过高速涉水时方向失控,以及雨 ...
gochinway09;) 我不会告诉你前年大风大雨的清明夜晚,在深圳沿海高速大亚湾段多少超过我的牛车不是躺在中间隔离带就是横在路两旁的。雨天路滑,陷阱多,就是“真赛车”也不要乱来!
gochinway21;) 话说把DZ101列入轮胎坑爹排行榜前十大家应该没有什么异议吧!? K19核潜水艇 发表于 2014-12-3 23:10
我不会告诉你前年大风大雨的清明夜晚,在深圳沿海高速大亚湾段多少超过我的牛车不是躺 ...