最终版本的三菱Lancer Evolution细节浮出水面
,更多的权力来2015年三菱Lancer Evolution
三菱代表透露关于最终版本的三菱Lancer Evolution更多的计划细节。
More importantly, output of the four-cylinder 2.0-liter turbocharged engine will be increased compared to the 2015MY which has 291 bhp (217 kW) and 300 lb-ft (406 Nm). Chances are the output will lifted closer to the 440 bhp (328 kW) and 412 lb-ft (558 Nm) level inside the FQ-440 MR, a special edition launched earlier this year in UK and limited to 40 cars.
Don't hold your breath for a new Evo as Swearingen said the model's "time has come and gone."
平时市区遇到这车,基本追不上,确实牛逼。{:4_658:} gochinway15;)这车比扫把佬变态! 完全无爱~
被T家收购的硬皮鲨可惜了…… 三只猫 发表于 2014-12-1 02:19
澳门跑的都是千匹的怪兽。。。。。。。 不了解 车身线条终于回归了,尤其是后部精干很好看,上6速的吧EVO怎么还用5速?国内用? "time has come and gone."「EVO的年代,曾經存在、但也不再。」 MR的版本要是能回归,现款车顶部要能带鲨鱼旗就完美了,5MT我想不是EVO的车迷最终梦想 公路的王者永远属于-Lan EVO