帅!推荐一看:实拍Rossi驾驶Ford Fiesta WRC赛车练习
2014 Monza拉力展 实拍Rossi驾驶Ford Fiesta WRC赛车练习,很精彩啊~··This is the famous MotoGP rider Valentino Rossi's official track weapon for the 2014 Monza Rally Show. In this video you can see him doing some practice before the big race with his awesome Monster Energy-livered brand new Ford Fiesta WRC http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODM3ODA2MjYw.html 这也是少见的天才~ MOTO GP称霸 F1也能与车队试车手不相上下 给力{:4_665:} 罗西也开WRC了!牛 晚上好看多了,刹车碟和排气管都是红色的! 罗西开f1 也很厉害的 gochinway39;)那排气管,刹车·········· 罗西也准备转场???