福特Ford Focus RS大聚会?街道不太平啦!
伦敦街头实拍多辆 福特Ford Focus RSOn one night at Sloane Street in London, a couple of Ford Focus RS's came out of nowhere and did some nice accelerations and revs for the spotters who were there! Unfortunately the weather was really bad but we tried to make some good shots anyway! Hope you guys enjoy it!
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODE5MzA2NjI4.html 吼吼~·看样子拥簇不少啊~··、这可不是ST啊,RS~~ 双门gochinway15;) 福克斯RS很帅 为啥当年不引进国内呢! 扮狮子吃绵羊 发表于 2014-11-6 17:25
福克斯RS很帅 为啥当年不引进国内呢!
别说当年,现在也没有引进啊?! 给力! 阿诺 发表于 2014-11-22 10:47