同样,在那些九年前将最高限速提高从68英里每小时(约110km/h)到80英里每小时(约130km/h)的高速公路路段,死亡人数也有所下降。 {:4_655:}
所以开得慢不见得安全。 外媒报道原文:
Danish study reveals Speed Limit increase makes roads safer
March 24, 2014 - Danish study over two years finds that raising limits helps to cut accidents and fatalities.
Motoring groups have backed a Danish report which claims that increasing speed limits is safer – but there are question marks over whether it could be easily implemented in other countries..
The study, carried out over two years by the Danish Road Directorate, looked at how driver behavior and accident rates changed when speed limits were raised on single-carriageway rural roads and motorways.
One of the key findings was that after raising limits on two-way rural roads from 50mph to 56mph, accidents fell, due to a drop in the speed differential between the fastest and the slowest drivers, resulting in less overtaking.
While the slowest drivers increased speeds, the fastest 15 per cent were found to be driving 1mph slower on average.
On sections of motorways where the limit was raised from 68mph to 80mph nine years ago, fatalities also fell.
A spokesman for the Alliance of British Drivers told us: “The research would seem to suggest that we are going the wrong way in the UK. This has proven that deaths and accidents have fallen despite limits increasing.”
A U.K.'s Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) spokesman said the research raised interesting questions. “A key element isn’t just the risk of the crash that is proportional to travelling speed for a given road, but the risk of injury should a collision occur.”
“We would be interested to see how the Danish study has handled confounding factors. This would all influence the applicability of this scheme to other countries or road networks," he added. 可怜的中国屁民~···gochinway19;)110的高速限速~·· 武汉那个到处修路的路况,给你跑200你也没本事吧{:4_658:} 速度越快其實越讓人謹慎和小心,但是過快又會失控.
但無限速就考驗著人體和機械構造的極限了.gochinway03;) TU5JP4 120都4000转吵死了,完全没心情跑得再快点 谁说的40以下80%的生还机会跟60以上80%的死亡机率。 天朝菜逼太多,你真要让这些菜逼开得快了,失控是分分钟的事儿. 光提高限速还不行,还得提高驾驶者驾驶技巧和车辆机械性能,从轿车(含司机)到卡车(含司机)都得回炉一次。