本帖最后由 lhy_82 于 2013-12-10 16:22 编辑这边太冷清,我就发这吧。
4. How often do I need to clean my K&N airfilter?
If you have not experienced a decrease in mileage or engine performance,chances are your filter is fine and does not yet need cleaning.To be morespecific, the filter does not require cleaning if you can still see the wirescreen on the entire air filter regardless of how dirty it may appear. When thescreen is no longer visible some place on the filter, it is time to clean it.When used in normal paved road, street or highway conditions, our replacementair filters that fit in the factory air box should require cleaning every 50,000miles and our large conical filters on an intake system should require cleaningevery 100,000 miles. When used in dusty or off-road environments, our filterswill require cleaning more often. We recommend that you visually inspect yourfilter once every 25,000 miles to determine if the screen is still visible.
反正我是准备今天拆下来的,正好明天限行。 可看上去这家伙有点懒~~··gochinway03;) 文中针对的是国外的环境吧,国内就别想了 我的频率(武汉):
锥面风格:3000KM(2个月左右) 噢对了,不是我翻译的,是古哥翻译的。gochinway04;) lhy_82 发表于 2013-12-10 17:08
gochinway06;) 又骗了俺不少大米~·gochinway33;) 俺是3000km转180°,有一侧明显脏污较重,再过2000km清洗,还是很脏的…… 25000英里?我晕翻,这已经很长了啊!25000英里换算成公里就是40225公里! 咋洗?拿高压气枪吹一吹?