日产 370Z Nismo缠斗翼装人
Nissan 370Z Nismo races a base jumper in a wingsuit 据说是个非常精彩的视频,可惜墙内是看不了的~· 在瑞士苏斯坦通Switzerland's Susten Pass拍摄~·· While Pyzera had to drive a 370Z Nismo on an "unforgiving switchback road," Barlia used a wingsuit and came within six meters (19.6 feet) of the rocks while traveling at speeds up to 210 km/h (130 mph).时速210公里/小时在玩哦~· 如何个斗法,可能还是要看视频才有感觉```` N个机位~这视频剪接完一定精彩~ NISMO这回真会玩儿gochinway14;) 翼装人 —— David Barliagochinway34;) Cool! Nissan 370Z Nismo车手:Peter Pyzeragochinway66;) 牛逼! 最终的明星,当然还是Nissan 370Z Nismo!