老外写自己的女儿:Also, kind of off topic but related is my 5 year old. She is very much like me. Heres a pic I took the other day coming home from the Grand Am Race at NJMP.
This after saying the following throughout the day...
"When can I start racing"
"When you die, can I have your race car"
"can you paint your car like Alex's?" She is a big fan of the #99 DP car and Alex Gurney.
林妙可,比较典型的中国小女孩。。。 fissa 发表于 2011-5-15 16:07 static/image/common/back.gif
老爸是领导就是不一样~~~ 没办法的 中国现在的父母都很浮躁 “前途”二字等同于“钱途” 所以只会认为读书读得好 钢琴弹得好 将来能赚钱的 才有出息 ~ 以后我一定会让我的孩子去做他喜欢的事情 只要不犯法 不违反道德 活的有意义才叫有“出息” ~ gochinway34;) 又一个童颜巨乳~!为了出名什么都干啊~!gochinway33;) 死胖子 发表于 2011-5-15 18:42 static/image/common/back.gif
童颜巨乳~!gochinway03;) 回复 死胖子 的帖子
道兄用的这一形容词太贴切了gochinway09;) 偶喜欢~~童颜巨乳就算了 合适就行 gochinway47;)