老外转的Ferrari 458\中国清凉女郎
可能有些同学早已经看过?反正我是在国外网站才看到~~gochinway06;)Ferrari 458 Italia with Asian Beauty
Beautiful woman adorns a Ferrari 458 Italia in a tasteful but enticing photo spread
This is a very original but quite beautiful tuning job on the Ferrari 458 Italia.
We're not quite sure what the specs are on this 458 Italia, because our brains have turned to mush. Granted, we don't usually run stories that just involve a little dressing up, but we made an exception.
Ferrari's marketing department may want to have a look at this and maybe get some ad ideas out of it.
老外转的Ferrari 458\中国清凉女郎
老外转的Ferrari 458\中国清凉女郎
老外转的Ferrari 458\中国清凉女郎
身材不错。。。gochinway15;) chinway36tiger好爽。 wewesasa 发表于 2011-4-9 02:51 static/image/common/back.gif
清凉。。。。gochinway07;) MD···鲍鱼好大·· am1989heng 发表于 2011-4-9 03:27 static/image/common/back.gif
呢说的是哪个鲍鱼? 两辆都是好车gochinway16;)