gochinway06;)Giant Sinkhole Swallows Car in Germany
After Montréal, Guatemala, Tampa, and the Charlotte Motor Speedway, another giant sinkhole has appeared, this time in the German town of Schmalkalden, making 2010 the "Year of the Sinkhole."
The hole—200 feet across and 80 feet deep—greeted residents of Schmalkalden, a town of 20,000 in the state of Thuringia, on Monday morning. Locals awoke in the early hours of morning to a deep rumble and saw this massive crater upon sunrise: Experts are yet to determine what caused the crater to develop, but its circular shape is characteristic of sinkholes, which are created by the dissolution ofcarbonate rocks undeground. There comes a point when the dissolved rock can no longer support the weight of structures above and it is around this point when you should run for your life.
If you crave more of this fine example of extreme infrastructure, Der Spiegel and The Guardian have further photos of the incident. 大蛙你家化粪池要挖这么大啊?! gochinway61;) gochinway31;) 大蛙你家化粪池要挖这么大啊?!
小粉丝 发表于 2010-11-2 22:00 http://www.chinway.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
gochinway34;) 真是专业!一看就知道用途!常挖吧? 我一般不挖,只管拉 gochinway03;)
等你挖好,记住!马桶要买托托的 gochinway04;) 我一般不挖,只管拉
小粉丝 发表于 2010-11-2 22:08 http://www.chinway.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
这么大。。。嫩的便便可真多。。而且还是占用德国佬的公路!gochinway28;) gochinway24;)化粪池 化粪池
小塘神马 发表于 2010-11-2 22:13 http://www.chinway.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
gochinway04;) ,,,不过粉哥的选址不错,有眼光!gochinway34;) 不过没考虑德国没有拆迁办,,,,居民惨啦!gochinway06;) gochinway06;) 再多个人也没问题吧,我也去拉,凑热闹。。。