fissa 发表于 2015-8-13 02:45

中国富豪直接在欧洲买豪车,开着 Zonda 游走瑞士

现代的亚洲富豪花钱都不眨眼,经常把大笔金额投资在产业,奢侈品,当然还有名贵汽车。把这些原本价格已经不菲的汽车运入中国境内一点儿都不便宜,所以他们宁可把车给留在欧洲,再前往这些西方国家享受开超跑的乐趣。因此,我们也能够在瑞士看见这两台由亚洲人拥有的帕加尼 Zonda。

一直到今天,车友当中依然还有许多对 Zonda 念念不忘的发烧友,对 Zonda 的喜爱甚至超过 Huayra。看着这两台 Zonda C12-S 以及 Zonda F Roadster 同时出现时,这背后的原因也显而易见。Zonda 的车身曲线非常漂亮,而汽车的细节,包括尖锐的前鼻,尾翼以及标志性的四排气管设计的融入更是恰到好处。

fissa 发表于 2015-8-13 02:46

Wealthy Asians often want to enjoy the big amount of money they own. They do this by investing in expensive cars. Importing these cars to China is often very expensive and that's why they keep them in Europe. This resulted in the fact that these two Pagani Zondas were spotted in Switzerland.

Many of us will still prefer the Pagani Zonda over the Pagani Huayra. Now that we see these two cars, a Zonda C12-S and Zonda F Roadster together we can understand why. The lines are still very beautiful and the details of the cars, like the sharp nose and the spoilers on the back create a very extreme exterior together with the iconic four exhausts. Remarkable is the fact that the drivers aren't that young but older Asians who seem to enjoy the beautiful products from Italy. We guess that this won't be a problem because these cars are a dream for many of us!

fissa 发表于 2015-8-13 02:47


ricky飞人 发表于 2015-8-13 18:42

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